M-F: 8AM - 5PM
800 Williams St. Marlin, TX 76661

Cameron Electronics

We're a trusted electronics recycling and components facility in Marlin, Texas providing a convenient location for bulk electronics recycling.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

We're committed to the protection of the environment for the health and safety of the employees, our customers, and our community.

We provide E-Waste services in bulk, in order to reduce the amount of old electronics being dumped in our landfills.


Take a look through our FAQ's to see if we've already answered your question!
Can I stop by to shop?

No, if you're looking for something specific, it's best to call us and schedule a time to stop by.

What's E-Cycling?

E-Cycling stands for electronics recycling. We accept all forms of e-cycling in bulk. Scrap electronics are broken down into their base components, and then recycled or reused where they can be.

Can I return items?

All sales are final, however we do accept items as E-Waste.

Who do you accept items from?

Schools, businesses, corporations, organizations, etc. We also accept e-cycling items from individuals.